Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Olive oil helps prevent embolic strokes

For thousands of years, olive oil has been a really important ingredient in people’s life, says Shimon Haber. Olive oil is also well-known as a great cure for many diseases. In addition, the consuming of olive oil can also help in the prevention of embolic stroke for the elderly people.

Recently, one research was conducted in France, at the University of Bordeaux and the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Bordeaux. The researchers were really satisfied with the outcome. Therefore, Dr. Cecilia Samieri from the University of Bordeaux proposed a new reunion in order to give some recommendations in the prevention of embolic stroke for the people older than 65 years. Elderly people experience very often an embolic stroke, so they believe that olive oil could be a cheap and easy way that could prevent it. Even though, this was not clinically tested, the science has confirmed what people already knew for years. Nevertheless, the scientists are not sure which component of olive oil is responsible for these protective effects, but the extra-virgin olive oil contains a higher concentration of phytonutrients, especially polyphenols (antioxidants). These components reduce the risk of heart attack, and lower the high blood pressure.

If you want to get any benefits, the quality is very important when you are buying olive oil. Some recent studies have proved that the “extra virgin olive oil” is healthier than the oils that are labeled as “virgin olive oil” or “olive oil.” The extra virgin olive oil contains higher levels of anti-inflammatory components, so they offer extra protection against undesirable inflammation. Other studies have shown that olive oil excludes the genes that could lead to heart disease and inflammation.

Another study conducted in Spain also supports this label “Mediterranean” diet based on olive oil. A diet that abounds in nuts and extra virgin olive oil, vegetables, fish and wine had reduced the number of heart attacks for 30%. These results will likely change doctors’ opinion regarding the therapy they prescribe to patients. Click here to find out more about olive oil.

Olive oil helps prevent embolic strokes

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